miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

I´m back!

Has it really been a year? Why yes, it has!

I´m sorry to have left my blog quite unattended.....but I wasn´t feeling motivated towards keeping up a blog at all, not even my personal one. I´ve kinda drifted away from lolita fashion since, but I´m still cosplaying strongly! My first year teaching has also been quite wonderful and successful, in my opinion! (I´ve still got one moth left; God, how I´m gonna miss my kids!)

Anyhow, here´s a bit of a preview of the things I´ve been up to in this past year. I promise that I´ll get more into detail about each cosplay soon!

(As always, special thanks to the two photographers in my life, who are also awsome friends: Jonathan and Flor. Though this pic was taken by my wonderful friend Nane. <3)

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