viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

Next cosplay projects: December 2011

So, I won´t be cosplaying that pumpkin girl this the end I can´t go to the Con in Barcelona.....what a shame.... *sigh* darned economy.

But instead, I´ve set up not one, but two cosplays in the "to-do" list for December. Sun Xiang has been relegated to next February. Sorry, Lady Sun!!

The two that I´m going to sew and make are:

Aramis, from The Three Musketeers (because I have been fangirling him ever since I read the book in 5th or 6th grade). So.....a crossplay. A complicated one, at that (so many layers! so many textures!). I will have to wear a moustache and goatee, hahaha. S will be my Athos, so we´ll actually be missing one musketeer...the aparently least-loved one, Porthos.....

December cosplay number two will be (*dramatic drumroll*):

Thor, the goddess of Thunder. Yep, the goddess of Thunder. Thor actually gets turned into a woman in the Earth X comics universe. It´s situation that I love, since I adore genderbending, gender awkwardness and wierd situations. I´ll be accompanied by S as Female Loki. We will probably participate in our first cosplay contest with this pair.

Needless to say, I might modify the costume a teensy bit.....if I lower the boot length, I might not look like I have....erm...."thunder thighs"? Never said better. I think that OTK boots would make any woman look like she has huge thighs, personally. So I might end up doing another of "Lady Thor´s" versions instead of this one. One thing is for sure though: I AM making a Mjölnir: no ifs, ands or buts. I want a Hammer of Doom.  I´m getting Madonna flashbacks every time I look at her chest, though. *facepalm*

1 comentario:

  1. jez, i can't wait!!! XD And darn, I'm caving to see you in mustache, lolol XD
